“your case is being held for file review in order to prepare a decision.you will be advised by mail as to a decision on your application.no additional information is necessary from you at this time,however,if upon further review,additional information or evidence is required,you will receive a notice in the mail.please respond to any requests in a timely manner. failure to do so will result in denial of your application. please allow 60 days from todays date before making an inquiry on your case.”
用那个confirmation number 可以跟踪案件的情况。下一次打电话或者INFOPASS可能用得上。给移民局打电话催问。
也可以上移民局网站上注册个人账户,提出e-request。网上预约INFOPASS,自己亲自到移民局local office催。给本州的参议员写信求助。
给Ombudsman Office写信求助。婚姻绿卡面试120天给结果,您如果遇到60天还没有结果的情况下,可以咨询洛杉矶公证处帮您查询办理进度。