20多年前,中国香港公民沈女士与中国公民唐先生在美国依法登记结婚。2020年,沈女士在北京病故。之后,唐先生在为沈女士申办死亡公证手续时,被告知应当出示他们经公证或认证的结婚证明。可委托洛杉矶公证处代 […]
20多年前,中国香港公民沈女士与中国公民唐先生在美国依法登记结婚。2020年,沈女士在北京病故。之后,唐先生在为沈女士申办死亡公证手续时,被告知应当出示他们经公证或认证的结婚证明。可委托洛杉矶公证处代 […]
休斯顿公证处,婚姻关系公证书,如何收费。首先说明,在美国结婚的夫妇,如果在中国涉及户口转移、房屋买卖、法律诉讼时相关机构会要求当事人出具美国结婚证公证或认证文件。这种公证或者认证必须要到中国大使馆、领 […]
结婚证认证 ,拉斯维加斯婚礼,洛杉矶婚礼,美国结婚攻略,拉斯维加斯婚礼介绍
LaNotaryOffice 不对文字错误引起的不便负任何责任,文字错误会及时更正。What makes LaNotaryOffice Different From the State Department? LaNotaryOffice is not a foreign government, does not issue the visa and does charge a service fee on top of the what the embassy charges for the visa. We provide clearer instructions, Best Service support, fast turn-around and real time status updates. Please note, embassies will only refer you to their web site, not provide you with any support or updates and will return documents to you if incorrect causing additional expense and significant delays.